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Habitar is a walk through new emerging scenarios in the city. It is a catalogue of ideas and images from artists, design and architecture studios, and hybrid research centres. Together they come up with a series of potential tools, solutions and languages to negotiate everyday life in the new urban situation.
Creo que también valen la pena The Power of Nightmares (sobre los orígenes del islamismo radical y el neoconservadurismo), Defamation (sobre el antisemitismo en el mundo, visto desde Israel), la primera de Zeitgeist y Life and Debt (sobre el impacto del maldesarrollo en Jamaica).
everyday life n. less common: daily ... - with the latest technology, first class [...] design and impressively intelligent functions. ... Each group was given several documents including press releases that they could have come [...] across in their everyday life.
Singularity University is an academic institution located in Silicon Valley and supported by Google and NASA that provides educational programs, innovative partnerships and a startup accelerator to help individuals, businesses, institutions, NGOs and governments understand cutting-edge technologies, and how to utilize these technologies to positively impact billions of people.
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Pedro Román Gravan, Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa Department, Faculty Member. Studies Educational Technology, Teacher Education, and Education. PhD. Faculty of Education, Seville University. Spain
Así pues, según este concepto, el "pensamiento de diseño" abarca todas las formas de innovación de productos, incluida la innovación gradual ("mayor rendimiento") y la innovación radical ("funcionalidad novedosa"). [41] Arnold aconseja plantear un enfoque equilibrado; los desarrolladores de productos deben buscar oportunidades en las cuatro áreas del pensamiento de diseño.
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Instead, it needs to proactively plan and design for privacy, an approach that is embodied in the privacy by design and default principle. Everyone in the connected car ecosystem needs to consider privacy a key element of connected cars, from designers and suppliers of subsystems, sensory environment, and applications; to manufacturers who integrate these components.
a convergencia digital no solo ha modificado las lógicas de producción, difusión y distribución de contenidos audiovisuales, sino que está transformando la percepción de su naturaleza entre los más jóvenes: la omnipresencia de smartphones y tabletas como dispositivos dominantes de acceso a la información y el entretenimiento otorga ...
The design of a robotic manipulator involves simultaneous participationa of different disciplines in the design process. ... Their discipline has been sufficient to cause pain at the micro level of everyday life for the children. ... As temporary workers they could learn their tasks and adapt to the demands of work discipline.
Bienvenidos al IBM Client Center Barcelona, El IBM Client Center Barcelona es un espacio de colaboración en el desarrollo de oportunidades de negocio, al servicio de los clientes y Business Partners de IBM. Surge como una completa plataforma de comunicación, marketing y ventas que enlaza con todas las unidades de negocio de IBM desde Barcelona.
The Internet of Things (IoT) concept proposes that everyday objects are globally accessible from the Internet and integrate into new services having a remarkable impact on our society. Opposite to Internet world, things usually belong to resource-challenged environments where energy, data throughput, and computing resources are scarce.